Everyday Gospel Podcast

Everyday Gospel Podcast featuring Greg Coleman

I am slowly entering into the podcast world with an ongoing project called Everyday Gospel. And when I say slow I mean it. Like many of us, I am still figuring out how to accomplish all the dreams and ideas in my heart.  I want to find the time, energy and capacity to create content that is helpful for college students and friends both inside and outside the Church. While some value speed and efficiency above all, I won’t rush the creative and productive process. With that said, I am now aiming for an interview a month. I am really excited to share this beta-episode with you.

Greg Coleman is a decades-long friend who is the area director at Trinity Fitness Riverside. In  this interview, he speaks with a pastoral heart about physical & spiritual health. I found his approach to balancing fitness and ministry inspiring and refreshing. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Check it out the episode on Podbean or iTunes!